The company's quarterly earnings, to be released tomorrow, may take a hit due to a devalued Belarussian ruble, according to advance analysts'reports. 先期发布的一些分析师报告预计,由于白俄罗斯卢布贬值,Turkcell周三发布的季报可能不佳。
The e-commerce giant appears willing to take a hit on profit so it can get as many Kindle Fires into customers'hands as possible and hook them onto its myriad online services. 看来亚马逊宁可在利润上承受一笔巨大的损失,也要把尽可能多的KindleFire平板送进消费者手中,好让他们去使用自己海量的在线服务。
Maybe you're committed to continuing to spend on value creating projects, even if reported profits take a hit& that's great. 或许你正致力于继续在创造价值的项目上进行投资,哪怕会影响近期利润&这很好;
If we experience a massive advertising pullback, for example, then Facebook could take a hit in its largest revenue pot ( or at least a growth slowdown). 比方说如果广告业遭遇了大规模的衰退,那么Facebook最大的收入支柱就会受到打击(至少增长会放缓)。
Given the popularity, convenience, and cost savings of free services, it seems inevitable text messaging should take a hit. 大受欢迎、简单便捷、不花一分钱,看来传统短信业务的衰退已经不可避免。
Donated legal hours take a hit at big law 顶级律师事务所法律援助时间缩水
Even if your career didn't take a hit, the tumult of the last few months may have you quaking in your boots over the future. 即使你的工作没有受到冲击,前几个月的风波也可以能会让你对美好的未来产生动摇。
When graduate school entrance exam scores are released every year at this time, many romantic relationships take a hit. 每年这个时候正是考研分数公布之时,许多恋情都因此经受着打击。
Mr Osborne said the purpose of the exercise was to make sure every player, including politicians, knew their responsibilities and who needed to act; which creditors would have to take a hit; and how to communicate the authorities 'actions to the public. 奥斯本表示,此次演练的目的是确保所有参与者(包括政治人士)都了解各自的责任,知道谁需要采取行动;哪些债权人将不得不遭受损失;以及如何向公众告知政府的措施。
Was last year cruel or kind to you, professionally speaking? Even if your career didn't take a hit, the tumult of the last few months may have you quaking in your boots over the future. 职业方面,过去的一年对你来说是好是坏呢?即使你的职业没有受到损害,过去几个月的波动也许让你对未来双腿发软了吧。
We realise the industry will take a hit, explains D.G. Shah of the Indian Pharmaceutical Alliance, which represents big generic companies. 印度药企联盟的D.G.Shah解释到:我们意识到行业会受到打击。该联盟代表了大型非专利药企的利益。
Until we get more supply or demand starts to take a hit, there is no reason we can't see any number. 除非供应增加,或者需求下降,否则我们找不到油价下跌的理由。
Babel is wanted by Bayern Munich, Dossena by Napoli and Voronin is interesting Panathinaikos, although Liverpool will have to take a hit on the £ 18million they splashed out to land the internationals. 拜仁慕尼黑看上了巴贝尔,纳波利看上了多赛纳,帕纳辛纳科斯对沃罗宁很感兴趣,利物浦需要主动出击,以弥补在这些国际球员身上挥霍的1800万欧元。
Other parts of Google's business in China also look set to take a hit. 谷歌在华其它业务看起来也将受到冲击。
Charles, you are going to take a hit on this. 查尔斯,你会受些打击。
Second, creditors need to take a hit, and debtors adjust. 第二,债权国必须承担损失,而债务国则需要进行调整。
Did he take a hit on his head recently? 最近他的头部有没有受到撞击?
If the nuclear dispute with Iran were to escalate so that, say, the straits of Hormuz were blocked and crude jumped to$ 100 a barrel, investor confidence would take a hit. 如果伊朗核问题进一步升温,那么霍尔木兹海峡窘迫的形势将继续保持,原油降格将飙升至每桶100美元,投资者的信心也将会遭受重重一击。
What's gonna happen to us if you take a hit? 要是你们被一炮打中,我们要怎么办?
Someone investing in emerging markets today must understand that their investment could take a hit in the short term – but in the long term, the headwinds look more favourable. 如今投资于新兴市场的人必须明白,他们的投资短期内可能缩水&但就长期而言,这种逆境看起来并没有那么不利。
Who would take a substantial hit if the base is closed. 如果基地关闭要受到重大打击的企业吧。
At the crux of the debate is the issue of whether senior unsecured creditors take a hit. 辩论的症结在于优先无担保债权人是否会遭受冲击。
It should also instruct the frob not to inject capital before shareholders and creditors take a hit. 同时,还需要指示“银行有序重组基金”,在股东和债权人承受损失之前不要向银行注入资金。
If the oil price continues to tick down, confidence will take a hit in Russia, said Carol Thomas, central and eastern Europe sales analyst with consultancy JD Power& Associates. 汽车咨询公司JDPower&Associates中东欧销售分析师卡罗尔•托马斯(CarolThomas)表示:如果油价持续下跌,俄罗斯信心将受到打击。
Some companies do take a short-term hit. 有些企业确实受到了短期冲击。
Baidu, however, can afford to take a hit to expand into mobile. 然而,百度有实力承受进入移动领域可能对其自身造成的冲击。
Maybe that's what happens when our egos take a hit in midlife and we realize we're not so young and golden anymore. 或许,中年时当我们的自尊心受到冲击,并且我们意识到自己不再年轻,已过了黄金时期的时候就会出现这种情况。
I had learned again that I could take a hit and that there's more than one way to stand against aggression. 我又学到了一点,那就是我能够承受打击,对抗挑衅的方法也不止一种。
In other words, either US households or companies have to take a hit equivalent to 7 per cent of gross domestic product over the next four years, according to budget forecasts. 换言之,根据预算案中的相关预测,在未来4年内,美国家庭或企业部门必须承受力度相当于国内生产总值(gdp)7%的打击。
From newspaper, magazine, broadcast, TV, outdoor media to portal website and social media platform, traditional media take a hit from internet. 从报纸、杂志、广播、电视、户外媒体到网络门户网站、社交媒体平台等,传统媒体受到来自互联网的冲击。